Resource Guide

Title Format Source
Cooperative Equity and Ownership PDF University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
"¿Qué es una Cooperativa de Trabajadores?" (versión corta) PDF La Federación Estadounidense de Cooperativas de Trabajadores
"¿Qué es una Cooperativa de Trabajadores?" (versión larga) Presentation La Federación Estadounidense de Cooperativas de Trabajadores (USFWC)
"El Proceso Legal Para Iniciar Tu Negocio Cooperativa" PDF
2015 State of the Sector Report PDF
2016 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report PDF
2017 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report PDF Democracy at Work Institute
2017 Workers to Owners Annual Impact Report PDF
2019 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report PDF Democracy at Work Institute
2021 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report PDF Democracy at Work Institute, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
28 preguntas: ¿Estas pensando en empezar una cooperativa de trabajadores? Unas preguntas para revisar antes de reunirse con un abogado PDF Katovich & Kassan Law Group
28 questions to ask before meeting the lawyer PDF Katovich & Kassan Law Group
A Brief Guide to Understanding Employee Ownership Structures PDF The Democracy at Work Institute
A Comparative Analysis of Cooperative Sectors in Scotland, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland PDF Cooperative Development Scotland (Scottish Enterprise)
A Layperson’s Guide to the Teamworks Cooperative Network’s Financial and Legal Structures PDF TeamWorks Cooperative Network
A Learning and Training Tool for Understanding Worker Cooperative Finances Spreadsheet University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
A National Survey of Worker Cooperative Bylaws and Operating Agreements
A Study of the Keys to Success for Start-Up Food Co-ops in Rural Areas PDF Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, University of Wisconisn Center for Cooperatives
A Targeted Approach to Worker Co-op Development: Lessons from Mondragon and Northern Italy
A Technology Freelancers' Guide to Starting a Worker Cooperative PDF Network of American Tech Worker Cooperatives (NATWC)
African American Cooperatives PDF Babson-Equal Exchange Cooperative Curriculum
An Introduction to Equity for Campus Co-ops Video/Audio NASCO
An Owner’s Guide to Business Succession Planning PDF Ohio Employee Ownership Center
Asset Protection for Entrepreneurs PDF Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
Attorney Susan Zeme on Worker Cooperative Legal Issues Video/Audio
Auto-evaluación Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Network
Becoming Employee Owned: A Small Business Toolkit for Transitioning to Employee Ownership PDF
Becoming Employee-Owned PDF Democracy At Work Institute
Beyond the Boss: Building the U.S. Worker Cooperative Movement in the Context of Global Capitalism Word Processor Document School for International Training
Building a Platform for Economic Democracy: A Cooperative Development Strategy for the Bronx PDF MIT/CoLab
Building Community Economies in Massachusetts: an Emerging Model of Economic Development? PDF Community Economies Collective
Building Resilient Sustainable Economies via the Cooperative Sector and Flexible Specialization: Lessons from the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy PDF Appalachian State University
Building Shared Entrepreneurship PDF Democracy At Work Institute
Business Ownership by Workers: Are Worker Cooperatives a Viable Option? PDF Iowa State University Department of Economics
Capacitación de preguntar con aprecio Word Processor Document
Capacitar para el cambio Word Processor Document
Capturing the Imagination of Future Social Entrepreneurs: A Robust University Based Anchor Institution-led Development Model PDF University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation
Case Studies: Business Conversions to Worker Cooperatives PDF Project Equity
Center for Family Life Cooperative Startup Guides PDF
Choice of Legal Entity - Chart PDF
Choosing a Business Entity: A Guide for Worker Cooperatives PDF Democracy At Work Institute
Có-evaluación Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Network
Co-operatives as spaces of cultural resistance and transformation in alienated consumer society PDF Employment Law Web Page Sustainable Economies Law Center
Collective Evaluations - Why & How PDF
Collective Impact Forum Readings
Community Economic Development Lawyers and the New Democratic Economy Community Economic Development Clinic at Roger Williams University School of Law
Concept Paper: Asset Building through Cooperative Business Ownership: Defining and Measuring Cooperative Economic Wealth PDF University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, “Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives” (REIC)
Conflict Resolution Video/Audio NASCO
Conversaciones de consultoría Presentation
Conversion Brochure (OEOC) PDF
Conversions Timeline PDF
Coop 101: A Guide to Starting a Cooperative PDF Cooperative Development Institute
Cooperative Care Employee Handbook Word Processor Document Cooperative Care
Cooperative Development Frameworks Video/Audio Democracy at Work Institute
Cooperatives and Public Policy, A Partnership in Progress: Using the Worker Co-op Model to Build Community Wealth PDF
Creating a Member Engagement Plan PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Creating Better Jobs and a Fairer Economy with Worker Cooperatives PDF Democracy At Work Institute
Creating Jobs through Cooperative Development PDF The National Economic Development & Law Center; Center for Cooperatives, University of California
Dar y Recibir Retroalimentacion Word Processor Document New World Consulting
Decisions in the Process of Business Transition (Who Decides What?) PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Democracy at Work Institute/USFWC Press Kit
Democratic Management: A Practical Guide for Managers and Others PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Designing Effective Systems of Evaluation and Accountability in Worker Cooperatives PDF Democracy at Work Network
Diseñar y Conducir una Reunión Efectiva Word Processor Document
Diseñar y Llevar a Cabo Reuniones Efectivas Presentation Democracy at Work Institute
Diversity is Inefficient PDF
Does Cooperation Equal Utopia? PDF London School of Economics
Economic Recovery and Employee Ownership The National League of Cities
Ecosystem Assessment Tool
Educate and Empower: Tools for Building Community Wealth PDF Democracy Collaborative
Ejemplo de Agenda de Reunión de Personal Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Institute
El Estado del Sector de Cooperativas de Trabajo de 2017 PDF Democracy at Work Institute
El Proceso Legal Para Iniciar Tu Negocio PDF Sustainable Economies Law Center
Elementos de Robustos Sistemas de Comunicaciones Para Cooperativas Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Institute
Eligir una Entidad Empresarial PDF
Employee Ownership: A Triple Win Solution PDF
Employee-Ownership Briefing Paper 1.3 PDF Ownership Associates, Inc.
Employee-Ownership Briefing Paper 7.2 PDF Ownership Associates, Inc.
Enabling Policy Environments for Cooperative Development: A Comparative Experience PDF Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan; Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
Ensuring Cannabis Equity Through Shared Ownership PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Ensuring Your Legacy: Succession Planning & Democratic Employee Ownership. PDF ICA Group
Entity Choice for New Cooperatives (video) Video/Audio
Entrevistas Cooperativa de Trabajodores en Español Video/Audio Mighty Small Films
Equal Exchange Bylaws PDF Equal Exchange
Equal Exchange: Doing Well by Doing Good PDF Foundation for Enterprise Development
Escalera de Inferencia PDF Action Design Associates
Escenarios de Reuniones Efectivas Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Institute
Estatutos y Acuerdos de Operación PDF
Estructura Democrática de Autogestión PDF Rainbow Grocery Cooperative
Evaluacion del Cliente Word Processor Document Circle of Life
Expanding your Worker Co-operative Business: A Guide to Licensing & Franchising
Financing Cooperatives: Strategies for Financing the Inclusive Economy PDF Democracy Collaborative
Firm Foundations for Democracy? Worker Ownership and Control in Advanced Capitalism PDF Foundation for Enterprise Development
Firm Foundations for Democracy? Worker Ownership and Control in Advanced Capitalism [ppt] Presentation Foundation for Enterprise Development
First Response: Save the Jobs (presentation) PDF US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Forget Venture Capitalists—This Scrappy Composting Co-Op Found Another Way to Get Startup Money Yes! Magazine
Forming a Worker Coop LLC or Cooperative Corporation PDF Sustainable Economies Law Center
Frontiers and Boundaries (introduction) PDF Ownership Associates
Guide to Worker Cooperative Bylaws and Operating Agreements PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Guideline for Cooperative Bylaws PDF USDA Rural Development
How A Worker Co-op Structured as a LLC Can Retain Earnings PDF Cooperative Development Institute
How Economic Democracy Impacts Workers, Firms, and Communities PDF Democracy at Work Institute
How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution PDF
How to Start and Manage a Worker-Owned Home Care Cooperative Direct Care Alliance
Ideas para presentaciónes con diapositivas
Immigrant Worker Owned Cooperatives: A User’s Manual PDF
Improving the Quality of Home Health Aide Jobs: A Collaboration Between Organized Labor and a Worker Cooperative PDF
In Good Company - The Guide to Employee Ownership PDF Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, Northcountry Cooperative Foundation
Inclusive Capitalism for the American Workforce: Reaping the Rewards of Economic Growth through Broad-based Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing PDF Center for American Progress
Indivisible Reserves: unallocated equity as a way co-ops can help fortify their future PDF USDA Rural Development
Industrial districts and inter-firm co-operation in Italy PDF International Institute for Labor Studies
Industry Clusters: Business Choice, Policy Outcome, or Branding Strategy PDF Regional Technology Strategies
Industry Research Series: Craft Beer PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Industry Research Series: Taxis PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Innovative Financial Models to Spur Worker to Owner Conversions Concerned Capital
Internal Capital Accounts PDF ICA Group
Introduction to Worker Cooperative Business Transition Planning Democracy at Work Institute
Investing in Worker Ownership PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Job preservation through worker cooperatives: An overview of international experiences and strategies PDF ILO
Jobs and the Urban Poor: Privately Initiated Sectoral Strategies PDF The Aspen Institute, The Ford Foundation, The Mott Foundation
La brújula del liderazgo Word Processor Document
Legacy Business: Our opportunity to build wealth, economy, and culture PDF
Legal Guide to Cooperative Conversions PDF Sustainable Economies Law Center
Limited Liability Companies as Worker Cooperatives PDF
LLC Taxed as a T Corporation Sample Operating Agreement PDF Democracy at Work Institute
LLC with a Permanent Capital Member Sample Operating Agreement PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Local Government Support for Cooperatives Democracy at Work Institute
Local Government Support for Cooperatives PDF Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance
Low-income & Immigrant Worker Cooperative Formation PDF Urban Justice Center Community Development Project
Macroeconomic Impact of S ESOPs on the US Economy PDF Matrix Global Advisors
Matrices del Manejo Participativo PDF Round Sky Solutions
Meetings and Consensus PDF South Mountain Company
Member Handbook (Casa Nueva)
Member Participation in Agricultural Cooperatives PDF
Model Growth: Do employee-owned businesses deliver sustainable performance? PDF Employee Ownership Association
Multi-stakeholder Membership Structures and Strategic Development: the Case of Food-sector Cooperatives in Quebec PDF
New Member Orientation Templates PDF Democracy at Work Institute
Non-Member Equity Instruments for Consumer and Worker Cooperatives PDF Center for Cooperatives, University of California
On the Pursuit of Federal Funding for Urban Cooperative Development: A Matter of Fairness in Funding
Owning Your Own Job Is A Beautiful Thing: Community Wealth Building in Cleveland, Ohio. PDF The Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland
Patronage Calculation Template Spreadsheet Democracy at Work Network
Percentage of Dollar Graphic Spreadsheet Democracy at Work Institute
Perspectives on Cooperation in Modern Society: Helping the Self, the Community, and Society PDF
Philadelphia Story PDF
Philadelphia Story
Plantilla: "pro forma" Spreadsheet
Plywood Co-operatives in the United States: An Endangered Species PDF
Policies for a Shareable City: A Sharing Economy Policy Primer for Urban Leaders PDF ; Sustainable Economies Law Center
Preliminary Census of Worker Cooperatives in the United States PDF US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Principios de La Próxima Generación para el Desarollo de Cooperativas de Trabajadores PDF
Pro Forma Template Spreadsheet Democracy at Work Institute
Programa para Iniciar Cooperativas Presentation Democracy at Work Institute
Projecting the Long-Term Consequences of ESOP vs. Co-op Conversion of a Firm on Employee Benefits and Company Cash PDF Center for Cooperatives, University of California; Democratic Business Association of Northern California
Protección de Activos Para Empresari@s PDF Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
Providing the Right Support: Are the Training Needs of Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives Unique? PDF University of Wisconin Center for Cooperatives
Quién decide qué Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Institute
Racial Equity Impact Assessments PDF Applied Research Center
Racial Justice Organization Assessment PDF Western States Center
Raising Our Future Together: How Cooperatives Can Create Better, More Affordable Child Care in NYC Democracy at Work Institute
Recursos para desarrollar cooperativas sin fines de lucro (V0.5) PDF
Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives PDF University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
Resilience of the Cooperative Business Model in Times of Crisis PDF International Labour Organiation (ILO)
Responsabilidades De Toma De Decisiones PDF ICA Group
Sample By Laws PDF
Sample Worker Cooperative Bylaws Word Processor Document
Sectoral Strategies for Low-Income Workers: Lessons from the Field PDF Workforce Strategies Initiative, Aspen Institute, The Mott Foundation,
Sectoral Strategies in CED: Critical factors in the Success of CHCA & Childspace PDF
Seeding Equity: A New Community-Based Model of Public Investment in Worker Cooperatives for Excluded Workers
Self-Direction and Employee Ownership: Working Paper Ownership Associates, Inc.
Selling Your Business to Your Employees - Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) & Worker-Owned Cooperatives PDF Ohio Employee Ownership Center
Show Them the Money ESOP Association
Situaciones de consultoría Word Processor Document Democracy at Work Network
Small Business Ownership Succession: The Cooperative Solution PDF Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, Northcountry Cooperative Foundation
Small Business Resource Guide PDF
Social Coops and Social Care: An Emerging Role for Civil Society PDF unknown
Social Development in an Uncertain World: UNRISD Research Agenda 2010–2014 PDF United Nations/UNRISD
Sociedades de responsibilidad limitada como cooperativas de trabajo Word Processor Document Insight Center for Community Economic Development
Solidarity Economy: Building Alternatives for People and Planet (Papers and Reports from the U.S. Social Forum 2007) PDF
Stanford Social Innovation Review - Collective Impact PDF
Startups and Replication PDF PHI
Steps to Starting a Worker Coop PDF Center for Cooperatives, University of California; NW Cooperative Foundation
Subjects of Scale / Spaces of Possibility: Producing Co-operative Space in Theory and Enterprise PDF UMASS-Amherst
Successful Cooperative Ownership Transitions: Case Studies on the Conversion of Privately Held Businesses to Worker Cooperatives PDF University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives and Democracy at Work Institute
Sustainable Economic Democracy: Worker Cooperatives for the 21st Century PDF MIT Community Innovators Lab, The Barr Foundation
Tackling the Law, Together: A Legal Guide to Worker Cooperatives Generally and in Massachusetts PDF Community Enterprise Project of the Harvard Transactional Law Clinics
Taking Employee Ownership To Scale PDF Democracy at Work Institute, The Democracy Collaborative
Talking About Race PDF Kirwan Institute
The 1042 roll-over cooperative in practice PDF Ohio Employee Ownership Center, Kent University
The Anchor Mission: Leveraging the Power of Anchor Institutions to Build Community Wealth: A Case Study of University Hospitals Vision 2020 Program Cleveland, Ohio PDF MIT, The Democracy Collaborative @ The University of Maryland
The Application of Labor Law to Workers' Cooperatives Presentation
The Application of Labor Law to Workers' Cooperatives PDF
The Communist Party in The Land of Cooperation Word Processor Document MUEC
The Cooperative Coopers of Minneapolis PDF
The Cooperative District of Imola: Forging the High Road to Globalization PDF MUEC
The Cooperative Growth Ecosystem: Inclusive Economic Development in Action PDF Democracy at Work Institute and Project Equity
The Design of Governance Systems for Worker Cooperatives PDF ICA Group
The Economic Democracy Training Series: Building Leadership for the Next Economy PDF MIT Community Innovators Lab, Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative
The Lending Opportunity of a Generation: FAQs and Case Studies for Investing in Businesses Converting to Worker Ownership PDF Cooperative Fund of New England, Project Equity, Democracy at Work Institute
The Municipal Playbook for Employee Ownership PDF Democracy at Work Institute & National League of Cities
The Relative Survival of Worker Cooperatives and Barriers to Their Creation PDF Foundation for Enterprise Development
The Relative Survival of Worker Cooperatives and Barriers to Their Creation [PowerPoint] Presentation Foundation for Enterprise Development
The Role of Local Cooperative Development Agencies in Promoting Worker Cooperatives PDF
The Rural Succession Dilemma and the Cooperative Solution PDF Democracy At Work Institute
The Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards an ‘Alternative’ Globalisation PDF UNESCO
The solidarity economy: an alternative development strategy? PDF UNESCO
The Transition Process PDF Democracy at Work Institute
The Valley Alliance of Worker Co-operatives:Exploring the Potential of Co-op Led Development PDF St. Mary's University
The Worker Co-operative Code PDF Cooperatives UK
The Workers' Owned Sewing Company: Making the Eagle Fly Friday PDF ICA Group
Think Outside the Boss Manual: How to Create a Worker Owned Enterprise PDF Sustainable Economies Law Center
Tipos de equipos Word Processor Document
Tipos de equipos y tensiones comunes Word Processor Document
Towards an EpistemologicalFoundation forSocial and Solidarity Economy [conference paper] PDF United Nations/UNRISD
Towards an EpistemologicalFoundation forSocial and Solidarity Economy [PowerPoint] Presentation United Nations/UNRISD
Trade unions and worker cooperatives: Where are we at? PDF International Labour Organization (ILO)
Understanding Cooperatives Curriculum PDF Equal Exchange
Understanding Worker-Owned Cooperatives: a Strategic Guide for Community Organizers PDF Center for Community Change
United States Federation of Worker Co-operatives St. Mary's University
US Worker Cooperatives: A State of the Sector Democracy At Work Institute
WAGES History and Lessons 1995-2000 PDF WAGES
Weavers of Dreams: Founders of the Modern Co-operative Movement PDF Center for Cooperatives, University of California
What is Your Business Really Worth? PDF Prairie Capital Advisors
What Motivates Members to Participate in the Governance of Consumer Co-operatives PDF
Worker Co-op 101 Presentation Presentation Boston Center for Community Ownership
Worker Co-ops: Weathering the Storm of COVID-19 PDF The U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Worker Cooperative Chart of Accounts (COA) Sample Spreadsheet
Worker Cooperative Creation as Progressive Lawyering? Moving Beyond the One-Person, One-Vote Floor PDF
Worker Cooperative Development Models PDF Grassroots Economic Organzing
Worker Cooperative Finances Presentation Cooperation Works!
Worker Cooperative Governance and Management (Prezi) Presentation US Federation of Worker Cooperatives / DAWN Advisors
Worker Cooperative Support System in NYC [ppt] Presentation MIT
Worker Cooperatives - Pathways to Scale PDF Democracy Collaborative
Worker Cooperatives for New York City: A Vision for Addressing Income Inequality PDF Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
Worker Owned Cooperatives and the Ecosystems that Support Them PDF MIT
Worker-Owner Policy Handbook (template) Word Processor Document Isthmus Engineering & Manufacturing
Workers to Owners 2019 Data Brief PDF Workers to Owners
Working and Rebuilding Together: Considerations for the Use of Worker Cooperatives as an Economic Development Tool PDF
Working With Small Business Cooperatives: A Guide for Public Sector, Private Sector, and Nonprofit Allies PDF Business Enterprise Institute at The University of Alaska Anchorage, Democracy at Work Institute
Young Member Engagement Strategy PDF CHF Canada