More Info for Conversions

Are you a business owner considering transitioning your business to a worker cooperative? Or an employee seeking information about how to purchase an existing business and convert to a worker cooperative?

Below are resources from our Resource Library about business conversion. And visit our Conversion Projects page to learn more about how the Institute supports owners and employees during the conversion process.

Resources for Conversions

Gestion Democratica: Una Guia

Gestión democrática: una guía práctica para gerentes y otres responsables

Author(s) : Rebecca Bauen, Directora de Enseñanza y Capacitación; Melissa Hoover, Directora de Proyectos Especiales;Joe Marraffino, Gerente de Programas ● Julian McKinley, Co-Directore Ejecutive; Olga Prushinskaya, Analista de Métricas y Resultados

Gestión democrática: una guía práctica para gerentes y otres responsables

State of the Sector Report 2023 Cover

2023 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report

Author(s) : Democracy at Work Institute and United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Covering two years of business progress, the 2021 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector is a report on worker-owned and democratic workplaces in the United States. This report is a co-production of Democracy at Work Institute and the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives. The report draws upon the latest developments in the field and deepens our understanding of the sector.

Democratic Management: A Practical Guide for Managers and Others

Author(s) : Rebecca Bauen
Year :

Democratic Management: A Practical Guide for Managers and Others  is a best-of collection of democratic practices used by worker cooperative managers and taught by some of the leading consultants to democratic companies. The guide has been created to fill the void of materials available that take readers beyond the start-up or transition phase of democratic business operation to what actually needs to be done to ensure workplace democracy takes hold.

Decisions in the Process of Business Transition (Who Decides What?)

Year :

Before a cooperative transition process can get started, the selling owner needs to make some decisions about how to structure the process, specifically she needs to clearly define who has decision-making power in the process: herself, the transition committee, the likely coop members, and the whole group. This chart outlines who decides what.