For Existing Worker Cooperatives
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Resources for Existing Worker Coops
Worker Co-ops: Weathering the Storm of COVID-19
COVID-19 has devastated the small business community, and the clock is ticking on permanent shutdowns of small businesses. 45 percent of businesses believe they have less than six months until a permanent shutdown is unavoidable. Tens of millions are still unemployed. Millions of Americans will fall off an “income cliff” when unemployment benefits end.
Worker Cooperative Finances
Local Government Support for Cooperatives
Indivisible Reserves: unallocated equity as a way co-ops can help fortify their future
Enabling Policy Environments for Cooperative Development: A Comparative Experience
Meetings and Consensus
Tips for effective meetings and consensus decision-making. Thanks to USFWC member, South Mountain Company, for this resource.
Worker-Owner Policy Handbook (template)
Sample employee handbook for a worker cooperative. Provided in a word document for easy modification for your own cooperative.
Collective Evaluations - Why & How
The absence of supervisors, who are charged with immediately identifying and addressing problem performance, makes the periodic occurrence of worker evaluations critical in a collective. This 1-page document outlines the importance of evaluations and provides tips on performing evaluations effectively.
Member Handbook (Casa Nueva)
Handbook for new members to aid in understanding how the cooperative, Casa Nueva, is structured and run, as well as individual member's role within the cooperative.
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