For Existing Worker Cooperatives

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Resources for Existing Worker Coops

Worker Co-ops: Weathering the Storm of COVID-19

Mo Manklang, Zen Trenholm, Olga Prushinskaya
In this moment of crisis, worker cooperatives are a reliable, proven solution to address the loss of jobs and income inequality.
COVID-19 has devastated the small business community, and the clock is ticking on permanent shutdowns of small businesses. 45 percent of businesses believe they have less than six months until a permanent shutdown is unavoidable. Tens of millions are still unemployed. Millions of Americans will fall off an “income cliff” when unemployment benefits end. 

Indivisible Reserves: unallocated equity as a way co-ops can help fortify their future

Bruce Reynolds
One practice in particular deserves more attention in the United States cooperative community: the use of indivisible reserves (IR). The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) specifies IR as a component of its 3rd cooperative principle: “member economic participation.” This co-op principle addresses several financial policies, including allocation of surpluses or residual earnings. A few alternative uses of surpluses are recommended, such as distribution of member dividends and “….setting up reserves, part of which, at least, would be indivisible” (ICA).

Enabling Policy Environments for Cooperative Development: A Comparative Experience

Monica Juarez Adeler
This research report identifies policies, structures, and financing mechanisms that can inform the development of appropriate models for Manitoba as well as suppot sector-controlled and self-sustaining co-operative development organizations. In so doing the report analyzes the context and history, sector infrastructure, tax legislation, and policies impacting cooperative development in Spain (Mondragon Co-op), Italy (the Emilia Romagna region), Quebec, and Manitoba.