
Our research program seeks to identify favorable conditions and likely strategies for the development of a large-scale worker cooperative economy.

The first stage of research is foundational: census and asset map of existing worker cooperatives and cooperative development initiatives, survey of existing capital resources, case studies of cooperative development, creation of impact metrics, building of a data set and initiation of a 20-year longitudinal study. This research will help us draw conclusions about what has worked in the past, what currently exists, and where the gaps are.

The second stage of our research will identify the opportunities for future scaled growth strategies by assessing needs and supports for potential strategies (e.g. conversions of existing businesses, place-based anchor strategy, sectoral strategy, public sector job retention, etc). This is action research, and we think of it as similar to the strategic research unions do in preparation for an organizing campaign. To produce this strategic research we will collaborate with partners across the country at the local, regional and national scale, including other shared-ownership organizations and academics studying worker ownership.

Data Library

To support shared understanding, learning, and growth, DAWI shares de-identified research tools with eligible individuals, institutions, and organizations. In 2019, we released preliminary findings from the first national survey of individuals in democratic workplaces across the U.S. Sponsored by DAWI and conducted in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS), Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations, and the U.S Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC), All About the Workers presents high-quality baseline data about the workplace attitudes, experiences, and demographics of individuals who work at democratic worker-owned firms. Findings from this new data are… more

New Individual Worker Data Available

In 2019, we released preliminary findings from the first national survey of individuals in democratic workplaces across the U.S. Sponsored by DAWI and conducted in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS), Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations, and the U.S Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC), All About the Workers presents high-quality baseline data about the workplace attitudes, experiences, and demographics of individuals who work at democratic worker-owned firms. Findings from this new data are informing DAWI and USFWC efforts to build the field, advocate for worker co-ops in the political arena, and… more

The 2016 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector is now available

The Democracy and Work Institute and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives are pleased to release this State of the Sector report, covering research on worker-owned enterprises through 2016. Four years into surveying worker cooperatives on a national scale, we are able to track over time how worker cooperatives are a stable, growing solution for communities of color, offering equitable wages and a pay ratios that prioritize the reduction of internal inequality. Download the report here more

NEW REPORT | Legacy Business: Our opportunity to build wealth, economy, and culture

The Inclusive Enterprise: Giving Employees the Keys to the Business Entrepreneurship can be a powerful force for prosperity. Business ownership gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to earn more money and create jobs. But this pathway to self-made success is mostly an option for the wealthy and for white households with access to capital and connections. Latino or African American households are historically less likely to start a business than white households, contributing to a persistent racial wealth gap. The business asset gap has notable impacts for women—in fact, women of all ethnic backgrounds and races: women business owners have household incomes… more

Download the report: Raising Our Future Together: How Cooperatives Can Create Better, More Affordable Child Care in NYC

The development of worker cooperative child care providers, from centers to in-home providers to nannies, should be included as part of a long-term strategy to address affordable childcare in New York City. This report, co-authored by DAWI and FPWA, spells out key recommendations that the Mayor’s office and City Council could implement to increase access to child care while increasing the quality of child care jobs. Quality child care is increasingly out of reach for most New Yorkers, with commercial rents rising, government support stagnating, and high child care worker turnover. Young families struggle to afford raising children in the… more

Now available: 2017 Workers to Owners Impact Report

The Workers to Owners 2017 Annual Impact Report, produced by the Democracy at Work Institute, covers context and data from the collective effort of a team of business, cooperative, community development, finance, and nonprofit sectors to promote cooperative employee ownership. The report includes the context for the collaboration, data points tracking the worker cooperative sector over the last three years, and analysis of the group's progress. “The collaborative came together in 2016 to respond to a moment of generational opportunity. In the next 15 years, hundreds of thousands of businesses employing millions of people will be sold, consolidated or closed… more

Read the 2015 State of the Sector report

The latest State of the Sector report by the Democracy at Work Institute and U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives covers research on worker-owned enterprises through 2015. Three years into surveying worker cooperatives on a national scale, we are positioned to analyze stability and change—demographically, and in terms of business performance, wages, and benefits. Download the report here more

Fuel the movement – participate in the 2017 Worker Co-op Census

Together, let’s show off the worker cooperative movement The US Federation of Worker Cooperatives and the Democracy at Work Institute invites you to participate in our annual census to study the economic and social benefits of worker cooperatives. This is an opportunity to contribute to a major, ongoing research that will not only help shape the future for worker cooperatives in the US, it will also help us to show off just the strong, meaningful, and rapid growth of our sector. When we know more about how our individual workplaces compare to each other and to traditional firms, it allows… more

Guide to Worker Cooperative Bylaws and Operating Agreements

After working with professionals to determine which entity type is right for your worker cooperative, the next step is to work with professionals to develop your governing documents. Bylaws and operating agreements should include high-level information about the governance of the organization. They clarify and codify the democratic governance and ownership of your cooperative, help provide a structure through which the cooperative can grow, and provide a last resort for conflict resolution if relationships break down. This resource is intended as a starting point for developing cooperative governing documents. Full Publication more

The Rural Succession Dilemma and the Cooperative Solution

This research paper summarizes an examination of the National Establishment Time Series (NETS) dataset for North Carolina and Iowa to gauge the potential for conversions of existing businesses to worker cooperatives. The data demonstrate that the potential is quite large, and that even if only a fraction of these successfully converted to worker ownership and continued to operate at their last year levels, there would be meaningful economic impacts. Full Publication. more