New members need basic training in how to own and operate their business cooperatively, but many workplaces don't have a standard curriculum or time to invent one from scratch. DAWI has created a set of templates to lay the groundwork for orienting new members. These templates can be used as-is for a general orientation, adapted by workplaces and developers to meet specific needs, or tailored by DAWI upon request. The topics are
- Communication
- Accountability
- Governance
- Finance
Special thanks to the Arizmendi Association, Equal Exchange, and ICA Group for inspiring portions of these templates.
Linked here is a .pdf of the combined set of slides. To request a free editable version, or to enlist DAWI to tailor new member orientations to meet your needs, contact Joe Marraffino at
Resource File
DAWI New Member Orientations v1.0.pdf
(6.36 MB)

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