

Creating a Member Engagement Plan

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Many cooperatives want members to engage more, and seek to increase input, communication, discussion, and “sense of ownership.”   This short memo suggests the best way to achieve this is to reverse the goal, and find ways for the cooperative to engage more with members’ lives and the things that matter to them.  In general, a plan for increasing member engagement should find an activity that will have broad appeal to members’ existing motivations, increase their ability to do the activity, and build triggers and rewards to cue and incentivize action. 

New Member Orientation Templates

Year :
New members need basic training in how to own and operate their business cooperatively, but many workplaces don't have a standard curriculum or time to invent one from scratch.  DAWI has created a set of templates to lay the groundwork for orienting new members.  These templates can be used as-is for a general orientation, adapted by workplaces and developers to meet specific needs, or tailored by DAWI upon request.

Designing Effective Systems of Evaluation and Accountability in Worker Cooperatives

Author(s) : Alision Booth Gribas, Stacey Cordeiro
Year :

 This handbook walks worker owners and cooperative developers through the process of laying the groundwork for, creating, and implementing systems of accountability and evaluation in small to medium sized worker cooperatives.

Editable versions of the toolkit's appendices can be found here.