Democratic Management: A Practical Guide for Managers and Others |
Democracy at Work Institute |
Designing Effective Systems of Evaluation and Accountability in Worker Cooperatives |
Democracy at Work Network |
How Economic Democracy Impacts Workers, Firms, and Communities |
Democracy at Work Institute |
Worker Cooperative Governance and Management (Prezi) |
Presentation |
US Federation of Worker Cooperatives / DAWN Advisors |
Meetings and Consensus |
South Mountain Company |
Cooperatives and Public Policy, A Partnership in Progress: Using the Worker Co-op Model to Build Community Wealth |
Small Business Ownership Succession: The Cooperative Solution |
Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, Northcountry Cooperative Foundation |
28 preguntas: ¿Estas pensando en empezar una cooperativa de trabajadores? Unas preguntas para revisar antes de reunirse con un abogado |
Katovich & Kassan Law Group |
Equal Exchange: Doing Well by Doing Good |
Foundation for Enterprise Development |
Inclusive Capitalism for the American Workforce: Reaping the Rewards of Economic Growth through Broad-based Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing |
Center for American Progress |
The Worker Co-operative Code |
Cooperatives UK |
Firm Foundations for Democracy? Worker Ownership and Control in Advanced Capitalism [ppt] |
Presentation |
Foundation for Enterprise Development |
Ideas para presentaciónes con diapositivas |
Self-Direction and Employee Ownership: Working Paper |
Ownership Associates, Inc. |
"El Proceso Legal Para Iniciar Tu Negocio Cooperativa" |
Quién decide qué |
Word Processor Document |
Democracy at Work Institute |
Conflict Resolution |
Video/Audio |
Recursos para desarrollar cooperativas sin fines de lucro (V0.5) |
Owning Your Own Job Is A Beautiful Thing: Community Wealth Building in Cleveland, Ohio. |
The Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland |
Employee-Ownership Briefing Paper 7.2 |
Ownership Associates, Inc. |
Firm Foundations for Democracy? Worker Ownership and Control in Advanced Capitalism |
Foundation for Enterprise Development |
The Relative Survival of Worker Cooperatives and Barriers to Their Creation [PowerPoint] |
Presentation |
Foundation for Enterprise Development |
Ejemplo de Agenda de Reunión de Personal |
Word Processor Document |
Democracy at Work Institute |
La brújula del liderazgo |
Word Processor Document |
Does Cooperation Equal Utopia? |
London School of Economics |
Diseñar y Llevar a Cabo Reuniones Efectivas |
Presentation |
Democracy at Work Institute |
Capacitar para el cambio |
Word Processor Document |
Tipos de equipos |
Word Processor Document |
Escenarios de Reuniones Efectivas |
Word Processor Document |
Democracy at Work Institute |
Matrices del Manejo Participativo |
Round Sky Solutions |
Dar y Recibir Retroalimentacion |
Word Processor Document |
New World Consulting |
Escalera de Inferencia |
Action Design Associates |
Elementos de Robustos Sistemas de Comunicaciones Para Cooperativas |
Word Processor Document |
Democracy at Work Institute |
Tipos de equipos y tensiones comunes |
Word Processor Document |
Diseñar y Conducir una Reunión Efectiva |
Word Processor Document |
Capacitación de preguntar con aprecio |
Word Processor Document |