DAWI Promotes Julian McKinley to Co-Executive Director, Melissa Hoover to Lead Special Projects

Democracy at Work Institute (DAWI), the national think and do tank dedicated to expanding the worker ownership model, is pleased to announce the promotion of Julian S. McKinley to the role of Co-Executive Director for Partnerships and Growth. Julian assumes this position alongside Vanessa Bransburg, who was promoted to Co-Executive Director for Operations and Programs in September 2022. DAWI's board of directors unanimously voted to promote Julian nearly five years after he joined DAWI as its first communications director. Julian will now oversee DAWI’s organizational growth, strategic partnerships, and communications. Together, the co-executive directors assume leadership at DAWI as the…


Effective Practises

The Institute publishes monthly a piece from a cooperative developer exploring a question, model or challenge in developing worker cooperatives. This is our first step towards creating a compendium of “effective practices” in worker cooperative development.  We aim to foster spirited and collegial, critical and respectful, conversation on how best to develop cooperatives that work for workers and their communities over the long term. Our aim is to address the deeper issues both animating and challenging worker cooperative development right now.


Our research program seeks to identify favorable conditions and likely strategies for the development of a large-scale worker cooperative economy.


The Democracy at Work Institute publishing program was created to develop practical resources, conduct research, and promote the thinking of cooperative developers and worker-owners. We will develop tools and resources to promote best practices for worker cooperatives, developers, and those interested in worker cooperatives as a tool for economic and community development. Our foundational research program will cover everything from a census of the number and type of worker cooperatives and cooperative development efforts, to research on access to capital for worker cooperatives.

Tools for Worker Cooperatives

Starting a Worker Cooperative?

With the growing number of start-up worker cooperatives, we have pulled together helpful resources, information, and tools to support your business development

More information for start-ups

For Existing Worker Cooperatives

Looking for resources to support your existing cooperative? The Institute is bringing together resources - research, information, referrals, and more - to help your worker-owned business thrive.

DAWI to Support Chicago's Worker Cooperative Ecosystem Development

The City of Chicago recently announced a commitment to worker ownership as part of its community wealth-building strategy, awarding grants to 17 organizations through its Department of Planning and Development. Democracy at Work Institute is excited to join grantees selected to design and implement two-year technical assistance programs for business development. Chicago’s Community Wealth Building initiative prioritizes worker ownership as part of a multi-pronged effort to drive equitable economic development in the city. Also prioritized are community land trusts, limited-equity housing cooperatives, and community investment vehicles. In a press release announcing the grants, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said, “Since I… more

Our Four-Day Workweek and Re-Commitment to Workplace Values

By Vanessa Bransburg, Co-Executive Director for Operations and Programs Entering a new year provides an opportunity to reflect on previous experiences, learn from those experiences, and re-commit to the values and outcomes we hold dear. For DAWI, this ritual of reflection and renewal provides an opportunity to double down on our commitment to building a human-centric organization. As a worker-led nonprofit, developing a workplace that supports our team to live healthy, balanced… more

DAWI Promotes Vanessa Bransburg to Co-Executive Director of Operations and Programs

The Democracy at Work Institute (DAWI) announced today the promotion of Senior Managing Director Vanessa Bransburg to Co-Executive Director of Operations and Programs. Bransburg will lead the organization alongside DAWI founding Executive Director Melissa Hoover, who will become Co-Executive Director for Partnerships and Growth until transitioning to a new role in 2023. “As DAWI celebrates ten years of powerful work, we are consciously undertaking a shift in leadership that will support our growth into the next phase,” said Hoover, DAWI Executive Director. “Vanessa has been essential to building DAWI from almost the beginning, and I can think of no better… more

DAWI-Incubated Apis & Heritage Announces First Employee Ownership Transitions

Apis & Heritage Capital, incubated by nonprofit Democracy at Work Institute, acquires Denver and El Paso-based firms, sell to BIPOC, essential workers via ESOP WASHINGTON, DC (May 24, 2022)— Apis & Heritage Capital Partners (A&H) has announced transitions to employee ownership for its first two portfolio companies: Apex Plumbing Co. (Denver, Co.) and Accent Landscape Contractors, Inc. (El Paso, TX). Together, the firms employ more than 150 mostly BIPOC workers. A&H was incubated at Democracy at Work Institute and launched with seed funding from Kendeda Fund, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and Citi Community Development. The firm announced its initial close… more