Matrices del Manejo Participativo
Responsabilidades De Toma De Decisiones
Quién decide qué
Multi-stakeholder Membership Structures and Strategic Development: the Case of Food-sector Cooperatives in Quebec
Solidarity cooperatives were given legal recognition in Quebec in 1997. By 2012, 579 solidarity cooperatives were registered with the then Ministère du développement économique, de l'innovation et de l'exportation. Drawing from the decade-long history of this cooperative model and three case studies, this article gathers qualitative and quantitative data in order to identify symptomatic practices woven into the organization’s culture and operations, diagnose best and worst practices and propose corrective strategies.
Frontiers and Boundaries (introduction)
The Design of Governance Systems for Worker Cooperatives
A Brief Guide to Understanding Employee Ownership Structures
This resource uses diagrams to depict how the different forms of employee ownership are structured. It focuses on the two primary vehicles for broad-based employee ownership in the United States: worker cooperatives and employee stock ownership plans.
Worker Cooperative Governance and Management (Prezi)
Prezi given by USFWC / DAWN for the Vermont Employee Ownership Center on the basics of worker cooperative governance and management.
28 questions to ask before meeting the lawyer
28 essential questions for any start-up to ask - and try to answer - before meeting with a lawyer.