
Investing in Worker Ownership

Camille Kerr

For financial institutions looking to create deep and lasting impact, worker cooperatives are a powerful tool for economic and community development. They reduce inequality by allowing a greater segment of the population to build assets through business ownership. They combat poverty by providing access to employment for marginalized populations. And they strengthen local economies by rooting businesses in their communities.

Enabling Policy Environments for Cooperative Development: A Comparative Experience

Monica Juarez Adeler
This research report identifies policies, structures, and financing mechanisms that can inform the development of appropriate models for Manitoba as well as suppot sector-controlled and self-sustaining co-operative development organizations. In so doing the report analyzes the context and history, sector infrastructure, tax legislation, and policies impacting cooperative development in Spain (Mondragon Co-op), Italy (the Emilia Romagna region), Quebec, and Manitoba.
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