Resource Library

The Democracy at Work Institute is building a comprehensive Resource Library that will include a wide range of materials, including academic papers, start-up toolkits, curriculum samples, actual documents from existing worker cooperatives, and more. The topic list below provides a map of the resources that will be available. We are also continuing to publish additional resources on a daily basis.

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Recently Added Resources

On the Pursuit of Federal Funding for Urban Cooperative Development: A Matter of Fairness in Funding

Lisa Stolarski
This white paper addresses the issue of fairness in funding for cooperative development in the United States and advocates for federally funded cooperative development assistance that is on par with that ofered for non-cooperative business development. It also emphasizes the disparity between rural and urban cooperative access to funding and proposes an increase in availabiity of funding for urban cooperatives without hindering rural cooperative development.

Enabling Policy Environments for Cooperative Development: A Comparative Experience

Monica Juarez Adeler
This research report identifies policies, structures, and financing mechanisms that can inform the development of appropriate models for Manitoba as well as suppot sector-controlled and self-sustaining co-operative development organizations. In so doing the report analyzes the context and history, sector infrastructure, tax legislation, and policies impacting cooperative development in Spain (Mondragon Co-op), Italy (the Emilia Romagna region), Quebec, and Manitoba.

Jobs and the Urban Poor: Privately Initiated Sectoral Strategies

Peggy Clark, Steven L. Dawson, Amy J. Kays, Frieda Molina, Rick Surpin
This research report looks at the experience of community-based organizations that have undertaken sectoral employment development strategies, and attempts to define these strategies and assess their impact. It's purpose is is to spread the idea that the poor can participate in the competitive economy, to illuminate the practice of using a single industry or occupation to create jobs and economic opportunity for the poor, and to promote the concept that poverty alleviation is linked to economic development.
