Government - Local/State

Government - Local/State

The Municipal Playbook For Employee Ownership

The Municipal Playbook for Employee Ownership

Author(s) : Zen Trenholm (DAWI) and Kyle Funk (NLC)
Year :

The Democracy at Work Institute and the National League of Cities have developed The Municipal Playbook for Employee Ownership to assist with integrating employee ownership into municipal economic and workforce development strategies. It offers three approaches that address specific pain points faced by many municipalities:

Policies for a Shareable City: A Sharing Economy Policy Primer for Urban Leaders

Author(s) : Neal Gorenflo ; Yassi Eskandari-Qajar
Year :

Cities are built for sharing. It’s what makes cities engines of prosperity, in­novation, and cultural exchange. Well connected cities have the unique capacity to raise per capita production and innovation while using dra­matically less energy. For this reason, cities may be our best hope for achieving widespread prosperity within the earth’s natural limits. We believe that fostering the growth of the sharing economy is the single most important thing that city governments can do to boost prosperity and resilience in times of economic crisis and climate change.

Worker Cooperatives for New York City: A Vision for Addressing Income Inequality

Author(s) : Jennifer Jones Austin
Year :

The Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) presents this report, Worker Cooperatives for New York City: A Vision for Addressing Income Inequality, as an examination of one solution for the challenges facing New York’s workers: worker cooperative businesses. Indeed, the report’s key finding is that worker cooperatives can easily fit into a broad campaign to cope with poverty, long-term joblessness, the growing isolation of low-wage workers and unprecedented levels of income inequality.