
Industrial districts and inter-firm co-operation in Italy

F. Pyke, 0. Becattini and W. Sengenberger
Whilst economies all over the world in the late 1970s and 1980s set into recession and stagnation, frequently accompanied by serious deteriorations in labour and social conditions, rising unemployment, and insecurity, a few localities stood out as exhibiting a remarkable resilience and even growth. They were engaged in a variety of industries, and included not only advanced sectors but also more traditional, labour-intensive ones, and thereby posed a challenge to those who have argued that such economic activities can no longer succeed in high wage industrialised countries. Thus,

Firm Foundations for Democracy? Worker Ownership and Control in Advanced Capitalism

Sanjay Pinto
To what extent do workers exert control within the workplace, and exercise voice in how the income generated by firms is distributed? And do they have ownership—not just in an affective sense, but in terms of share holdings or membership rights? The financial crisis opened up widespread discussion about prevailing modes of economic organization. But, for the most part, this discussion has been quite narrowly bounded, oscillating between two familiar poles. This paper tries to contribute to such a conversation by offering a macro-comparative backdrop.

The Relative Survival of Worker Cooperatives and Barriers to Their Creation

Erik Olsen
This paper argues the conjecture that worker cooperatives (WCs) are rare because of competitive disadvantages relative to conventionally-owned firms (CFs) is not supported by existing research. It surveys research on the survival and failure of WCs and CFs and estimates the nonparametric hazard and survival functions for CFs in the US. Because the rarity of WCs cannot be attributed to performance it must result from a low formation rate.

Self-Direction and Employee Ownership: Working Paper

Ownership Associates, Inc.
The initial draft of this paper was written in response to a request for research on the relationship between self-direction in the workplace, employee ownership, and organizational outcomes. It outlines three aspects of shared decision-making: autonomy, participation, and influence. It then explores the relationship between two of those aspects (autonomy and participation) and a series of productivity-related cultural norms, including ownership identity.

Towards an EpistemologicalFoundation forSocial and Solidarity Economy [PowerPoint]

Anup Dash
A slide show presented at a 2013 UNRISD conference on the social and solidarity economy. The author presents the broad principles and concepts associated with the SSE (social/solidarity economy) as a response to five challenges: the green challenge, the inclusion challenge, the wellbeing challenge, the moral challenge, and the governance challenge


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