
The conversion process can take anywhere from 6 months to several years. The key steps are illustrated in the chart below.

One way to consider these steps is their dependence on each other.  In general 

  • Basic education, willingness, and feasibility are the foundational
  • A planning group must be empowered to make decisions in structuring the new cooperative
  • An early task for this group is to get an outside valuation of the company.  The business plan will be dependent on this information as it considers lenders, member equity, and the possibility of a staged sale 
  • The group must engage with several different professionals including lawyers, lenders, cooperative developers, and industry experts
  • The planning group's efforts culiminate in a proposal to all the future members to close the deal  
  • Ongoing education to the cooperative members will aid the new business and its new culture

A spreadsheet that outlines the steps in greater detail is attached here.  You can adjust your own timeline by changing the starting week and duration of each activity in the yellow cells.