Request Issued by: Democracy at Work Institute (DAWI)
Date of issuance: Updated 8/12/24
Response Due Date: 8/28/24
Title: New York City Cooperative Education Support Contractor
Project Overview and Qualifications
The Democracy at Work Institute seeks a qualified contractor to provide technical assistance and organize educational events in New York City. Additional details on the scope of work is described below. Applicants must have demonstrated experience in areas of work outlined in the scope, strong relationships and credibility within the world of democratic workplaces, and the ability to activate those workplaces to participate, and show that they have the ability to coordinate peer advisors from democratic workplaces.
About DAWI
The Democracy at Work Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit movement-based think-and-do tank that expands the promise of cooperative business ownership to communities most directly affected by economic, social, and racial inequality. We do research and advocacy; we develop tools and new models; we train worker-owners and developers; and we build cooperative development capacity to ensure that further growth in the worker-cooperative movement reaches low-income people, people of color, and recent immigrants. In all our work, as well as internal operations, we strive to embody our organizational values of Excellence, Equity, Entrepreneurialism, Collaboration, and Human-Centeredness.
Scope of Work
Anticipated project period: 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2025
Anticipated project budget: $30,000
The Democracy at Work Institute seeks a qualified partner to provide support on a wide range of initiatives. We anticipate that the project deliverables, milestones and level of effort will be as outlined in this chart. Milestones and descriptions are preliminary and we welcome extra detail in proposals.
Work Area |
Description Suggested Milestones/Deliverables |
Technical Assistance |
12 Technical Assistance events delivered in the following NYC TA categories: - Initial Consultation - Marketing/Market Research - Business Planning and Coaching - Web Development and Support - Governance and Internal Manuals - Strategic Planning Clients/Activities/Dates: - Intakes/referrals - Deeper peer advisor engagements |
Educational Events |
125 eligible course completions, which will be achieved through a variety of virtual events and courses (to be described in RFP response) |
Reporting |
The contractor will: - Participate in data reporting each month - Quarterly narrative reports - Submit a finalized work plan after winning the RFP - Participate in a January mid-point check-in |
Proposal Template
The response should include the following sections:
● Statement of Work
○ A description of how the applicant will undertake the scope of work, including key project milestones and/or deliverables
● Organizational qualifications
○ An overview of why the applicant is qualified to do the work outlined in the scope
● Personnel
○ Names and qualifications of the individuals that will execute this work ○ Allocation and role of assigned staff
○ Include a short bio and resumes of staff that will be allocated to the project ● Budget
○ A standard line-item budget using the following categories:
■ Personnel
■ Fringe
■ Contractors
■ Travel
■ Supplies
■ Other [describe]
Proposal Submission Instructions
Organizations outlined in this document should submit their documents electronically in a single PDF.
Proposals should be clearly written and describe the applicant’s understanding and plan to address the work described in the Scope section of this document.
Submission Email Address: vbransburg [at]
Submission Email Title: NYC Cooperative Education Support Contractor RFP Response