
Decisions in the Process of Business Transition (Who Decides What?)


Before a cooperative transition process can get started, the selling owner needs to make some decisions about how to structure the process, specifically she needs to clearly define who has decision-making power in the process: herself, the transition committee, the likely coop members, and the whole group. This chart outlines who decides what.  

Small Business Ownership Succession: The Cooperative Solution

Northcountry Cooperative Foundation
A sale to employees can provide an owner with significant tax breaks. Because of the IRC §1042 Capital Gains Rollover, business owners who sell at least 30% of the stock in their C-Corporation to an employee-owned cooperative can roll over the proceeds from the sale into qualified replacement securities and defer payment of any capital gains tax indefinitely.

Projecting the Long-Term Consequences of ESOP vs. Co-op Conversion of a Firm on Employee Benefits and Company Cash

Jaques Kaswan
This report provides a detailed examination of the benefits received by departing employees of a company converted to 100% employee ownership either as an ESOP or a Co-op over a 15 year period. It also studies the net cash retained by the ESOP or Co-op firm over the same time-span. It discusss the some theoretical and practical implications related to the two forms of employee ownership.


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